Zombie Temp Agency (ZTA) is a zomedy (popular zombie comedy) that takes the inhuman face of the massive Temporary Labor complex and adds a brain chewing body to it. In a world with no firm labor union commitment and with increasing layoffs and job uncertainty, ZTA is uniquely relevant even among zombie movies known for such zeitgeist tapping. Combining the comedy of shows like "The Office" with the manic zombie energy of Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle's film 28 days later, ZTA takes on the modern corporate structure where workers are treated like the walking dead, and spins a classic boy-meets girl redemption tale.
Our hero is the typical smooth office slacker who spends his time looking for love and clocking a meaningless job. When his best friend doesn't show up for work, and the Temp workers start chewing on flesh, he finds a purpose to his life: win the love of his high-school crush while rescuing his best friend and saving the world from the undead. With an undercurrent of political satire, ZTA finds itself at a moment in history where labor unions and activists are under attack... from zombies!
Delivered at a budget consistent with other profitable independent horror films, and produced and directed by a team with significant experience in building filmed entertainment. The film will have a production quality that is consistent with films costing more, but it will be delivered at very efficient costs.
We are dead certain we can execute on our plan. The elements are all in place for Zombie Temp Agency. Zombies are hot. The team is seasoned, and the film is ready for production.
Director: John Hale has established a reputation in the Texas entertainment market as an innovative director, director of photography, and editor. He began his career as an editor, working for national productions and major production companies such as the three time Emmy award winning court show "Cristina's Court", KTLA, and Hewlett Packard. Using his incredible story telling skills, he began directing music videos, short films, local commercials and television. He worked for Life Time Channel as a segment director on their show "Hot Mommy Chef". John Hale started his production company "Bleedthrough Productions" in 2005 See John's last film trailer and link to his bio here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3062097/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-mSRliAzaE
Producer: Debra Gutjahr has experience in all facets of production. She has produced several episodes for the Emmy award winning court television show "Cristina's Court". In 2009 she worked as a field producer for the Dr. Oz show and works closely with large production companies out of Houston and L.A. in developing new television concepts, some of which are being pitched to large television networks. She has just completed the independent feature film "Hyphen" in which she cast and produced. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3652850/
The script was penned by veteran MTV scribe Gabriel Leif Bellman, who graduated from USC's Cinema School with the prestigious Circulus Award before going to work at MTV in New York. In addition to writing scripts, Gabriel also has directed successful documentary films, and is the co-founder of San Francisco's Frozen Film Festival. As a television Producer, Mr. Bellman helped start the 'True Life' series at MTV, from 1997-2000. Helped produce the Emmy award winning 'Fight for the Rights' series about youth gun violence. He is the cofounder and director of the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival, and was a featured speaker at the 2009 International Film Festival Summit in Las Vegas on the future of narrative film and media. He is also a Producer of Z.T.A. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3441485/
Written by Gabriel Leif Bellman and Erik Newton
Story by Gabriel Leif Bellman
Directed by John Hale
Produced by: Debra Gutjahr, Gabriel Leif Bellman, Greg Brock and Erik Newton
Zombie Temp Agency L.L.C. is a film company that may or may not feed on human flesh.
Questions? Want to Invest?
email us at zombietempagency@gmail.com